Long-term solution: Hair follicles are destroyed so they will not grow back.
Low maintenance: Only annual touch-ups are needed and recommended.
Minimal side effects: The most common side effect is redness at the follicle that lasts 24-48 hours.
Quick: Small body areas (lip, underarms, bikini) only take 15 minutes.
No more ingrown hairs: Minimizes the risk of inflammation, bumps, and itching.
Less painful: Better option to waxing, tweezind, and threading.
Safe: No more razor cuts that can lead to unsightly scars.
Precise Treatment: Ideal for removing specific hairs, such as those in a particular area or on a small section of skin.
Promotes beautiful skin: Can reduce the frequency and severity of acne breakouts, prevent the dark marks that are secondary to skin irritation, and help improve tone and texture.